The most advanced natural alternative medicine using electromagnetic energy to heal your cells with the frequency of the Earth
Monday, November 3, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Radiation protection is difficult to achieve when your cells are being bombarded by man made radiation including:
- Wireless radiation
- Cell phones
- Routers
- Wi-Fi
- Computers
- Cell towers
- Blue tooth
- Cordless phones
- Electromagnetic radiation in the home wiring; air conditioning; heaters; car engines and any item which is plugged in.
The accumulative Imbalanced EMF’s in the body begin the disease process. This can manifest as pain, insomnia, anxiety, stress, inflammation, loss of energy, headaches, depression, and EMF sensitivity.
The IMRS (Intelligent Magnetic Resonance System) replicates the natural electromagnetic fields of the earth, known as the Schumann frequencies. This provides the perfect grounding and restoration for your body.
Dr. Linus Pauling, a double Nobel Prize winner stated:
“PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric. PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
The pulsed magnetic field therapy using IMRS allows your body to rebalance the trillions of cells and strengthen them from every day expose to destructive EMF radiation.
Dr. Pawluk is a board certified physician and Holistic Health Practitioner, former Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
What does a session on an IMRS (intelligent magnetic resonance system) mat do?
You experience a series of pulsating magnetic frequencies which penetrate deep into your body during an eight to sixteen minute session. Your cellular metabolism incorporates these healing frequencies to produce better oxygenation to the cells, normalize the cell structure and reduce toxins including the accumulated EMF radiation.
What are the health benefits?
Eliminates radiation (EMF) poisoning
Normalizes the cellular electrical voltage
Alleviates pain
Reduces the tendency for blood clots
Balances the acupuncture meridians
Strengthens the immune system gently but effectively
Improves wound healing
Reduces arthritis, back pain bursitis, muscle stress
Improves energy, circulation, blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Balances RNA and DNA
What does a session feel like?
You experience a deep, relaxing feeling - almost a meditative state. Animals are particularly drawn to these energies. My dog is addicted to the mat. When she sees me put the mat on the floor, she runs over and curls up on her favorite spot ready for a session.
After a session, you feel peaceful and energized with less aches and pains. For me, the constant ringing in my ears stops.
What do other people experience during a session:
Some people have reported feeling a tingling in an area where there is an old injury. Others feel a sense of wellness and relaxation.
Who can use the mat?
Everyone can use PEMF from the young to the old - from sedentary to the active. Any age group may use the mat as well as animals of all species. I put my parrot on the mat to clear the EMF from the Smart Meters in my community. I always know when she is loaded - she starts dropping her feathers.
Are there any contraindications?
Yes. Those individuals with the following conditions should not use the mat:
Pregnant women
Individuals with a pacemaker
Anyone diagnosed with epilepsy.
How often should you use the therapy?
The suggested home use treatment is two to three times a day. I use the mat first thing in the morning to adjust my body to the natural biorhythms. Then, later in the day and before bed. Session time may vary from eight minutes to thirty minutes depending on how I feel - longer if I feel I have been zapped alot by EMF.
Are the iMRS systems FDA approved?
Yes. The iMRS is one of the two consumer Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy products that are regulated by the FDA. It is also FDA compliant, FDA listed and FDA Registered.
You may find more information about the Intelligent Wellness Magnetic System here
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Chronic back pain management is now available through this revolutionary system which can be used in your home.
I am assuming that you, like millions of others, suffer with chronic back, neck, or joint pain. You are probably fed up with all harmful pills you are currently stuck on in order to barely survive.
If you or someone you know is frustrated by chronic back pain and sick of being over-medicated or just searching for a more natural alternative, I ask you to consider the following.
Dr. Oz shares this information with his audience and announced this is as the new age of alternative medicine.
Although this therapy may be considered one of the "best kept secrets" in the U.S., it is popular in Europe where it has been utilized for decades and is recognized as a "Certified Medical Device". There are currently over 1 million users/day worldwide!.
The PEMF therapy is used by applying a moving magnetic energy field in the biologically friendly frequencies of Mother Earth. Just like we need air, water, sun, and gravity exposure to survive, we also REQUIRE the Earth's magnetic resonance. This is called the Schumann resonance which is 7.83 hertz. The human body is an exquisite electrical system. When, the correct frequency is applied, the body is able to heal itself on a cellular level naturally.
Those individuals who are pregnant, have embedded electrical devices, or have been diagnosed with epilepsy should exercise caution when considering this type of treatment.
He told me he is a passionate advocate for this revolutionary approach for chronic back pain management.
That means alot to me coming from a medical professional.
She has been using the mat now for two months. She does daytime treatments morning, evening and before bed. Initially, she reported her pain level before using the mat was a 10+ (10 being the highest pain level). Now, her pain level is down to a tolerable level 4.
She also uses the wand, a component of the system, to do spot treatments using the highest setting for her legs and lower back. She has achieved amazing results on her swollen ankles. She could visibly see the edema disappear. Her feet shrunk so much, she had to buy a smaller size shoe.
I anticipate that shortly her pain level will decrease even more as her body continues to heal naturally. Slowly, she is again beginning to love life.
As a matter of fact, we girls are going shopping this afternoon. She can now walk distances without the excruciating back pain and we can find those illusive shopping bargains.
I am assuming that you, like millions of others, suffer with chronic back, neck, or joint pain. You are probably fed up with all harmful pills you are currently stuck on in order to barely survive.
If you or someone you know is frustrated by chronic back pain and sick of being over-medicated or just searching for a more natural alternative, I ask you to consider the following.
Dr. Oz shares this information with his audience and announced this is as the new age of alternative medicine.
The pulsed electromagnetic field therapy or PEMF is a hightech therapy based on nature and proven to be safe and effective at eliminating pain.
This therapy not only assists with chronic back pain management, it promotes natural healing deep within the body for joint pain, injuries, wounds, fractures, and depression.
Although this therapy may be considered one of the "best kept secrets" in the U.S., it is popular in Europe where it has been utilized for decades and is recognized as a "Certified Medical Device". There are currently over 1 million users/day worldwide!.
As more and more people experience the ability of the the IMRS System to promote healing and alleviate pain, I predict its use will grow exponentially.The PEMF therapy is used by applying a moving magnetic energy field in the biologically friendly frequencies of Mother Earth. Just like we need air, water, sun, and gravity exposure to survive, we also REQUIRE the Earth's magnetic resonance. This is called the Schumann resonance which is 7.83 hertz. The human body is an exquisite electrical system. When, the correct frequency is applied, the body is able to heal itself on a cellular level naturally.
A local chiropractor, whom I was introduced to, uses this therapy for his patients and states that it is extremely gratifying for him to see amazing results with his patients using a natural and safe treatment with no contraindications.
Those individuals who are pregnant, have embedded electrical devices, or have been diagnosed with epilepsy should exercise caution when considering this type of treatment.
He told me he is a passionate advocate for this revolutionary approach for chronic back pain management.
That means alot to me coming from a medical professional.
My best friend has suffered chronic back pain for years. It has taken a huge toll on her quality of life. I've seen her roll out of a chair onto the floor and force herself to stand up through sheer willpower. She used a fake laugh to cover her pain. It was heartbreaking to watch.She has been using the mat now for two months. She does daytime treatments morning, evening and before bed. Initially, she reported her pain level before using the mat was a 10+ (10 being the highest pain level). Now, her pain level is down to a tolerable level 4.
She also uses the wand, a component of the system, to do spot treatments using the highest setting for her legs and lower back. She has achieved amazing results on her swollen ankles. She could visibly see the edema disappear. Her feet shrunk so much, she had to buy a smaller size shoe.
I anticipate that shortly her pain level will decrease even more as her body continues to heal naturally. Slowly, she is again beginning to love life.
As a matter of fact, we girls are going shopping this afternoon. She can now walk distances without the excruciating back pain and we can find those illusive shopping bargains.
Chronic back pain management is possible.
The IMRS System with pulsed electromagnetic therapy MAKES this possible.
See for yourself.
The IMRS System with pulsed electromagnetic therapy MAKES this possible.
See for yourself.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
OK, so you've tried the following to find chronic back pain relief:
- Over the counter medications
- Pain Medications prescribed by your physician
- Morphine patches
- Hot packs - cold packs
- Operation to fuse vertebrae
- Slant boards
- Chiropractic manipulations
- Yoga
- Massage
- Meditation
- Water therapy
- Traction therapy
- Hypnosis
- Total bed rest
- Nerve blocker injections
So how is it working for you? Not so good?
I know people who have tried all of these with no relief. My father went through most of these treatments for chronic back pain relief. They didn't work. His life ended drugged with no quality of life.
I recently found some interesting statistics:
- Almost thirty percent of all Americans are in pain at any given time.
- $2.6 billion is spent annually on non-prescription pain killers.
- $13.8 billion is spent annually on prescription pain killers.
- $60 billion is lost annually due to lost productivity related to pain.
There is hope - better than that - there is a safe and natural way to find relief from chronic back pain. Watch this clip from Dr. Oz.
- I am a dedicated follower of Dr. Oz and I respect what he recommends.
- I was hoping I would find relief from my undiagnosed Hashimoto's Disease. The body slowly destroys the thyroid which is the master regulator for all hormonal functions in the body. When the body is out of balance hormonally, the ENTIRE body is affected
- I was hoping to find relief for my dear friend who suffers terribly with chronic back pain and joint pain. The pain was a combination of injuries during her lifetime; deterioration of her joints from tuberculosis as a child; and, hypersensitivity to artificial man made electrical radiation.
Bryant A. Meyers, author of "PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic frequency), The Fifth Element of Health" states:
"The base cause of disease could be outlined simply as a physical and energetic disconnect from nature and the five essential elements (food; water; air; exercise and sleep; and natural PEMF)."
By using the pulsed electromagnetic fields generated in PEMF therapy, , the body's cells are nurtured back to health with the correct frequency. This frequency was discovered by Otto Schumann resonating at 7.83 hertz..
This is the exact frequency of the Earth. Our brain, our creativity, our ability to perform under stress, cope with anxiety, and, the balance of the immune system are all tuned to the frequency of the Earth.
He cited an experiment done in the early 1960's to study what the outcome would be if man were disconnected from the Earth's frequency. Dr. Rurger Wever with the Max Planck Institute used young, healthy students to determine the effect of being shielded. After a short time period, the student volunteers living in the underground bunkers for several weeks reported mental and physical health challenges. They developed headaches, emotional problems, and suffered from stress and depression. Their circadian rhythms were disrupted. As soon as a magnetic generator was used set at 7.83 hertz, known as the Schumann frequency, the ill effects either totally disappeared or dramatically improved.
Dr. Schumann concluded that everyone, man and animals, are dependent upon the Earth's electromagnetic field. This has been in existence since the onset of life. And, Life, has evolved around it.
I am happy to report that my Hashimoto's Disease has improved. My body temperature is slowly increasing from a 96.8 to a steady 98. I use the wand on my thyroid as well as three daily treatments with the mat - morning, after work and before bed. I no longer have to wear a sweater and socks in the morning when I wake up to get warmed up. I am starting to grow hair on my legs (something that hasn't happened in twenty years) which tells me my body is beginning to balance itself naturally. That is a small miracle to me!
My friend is slowly recovering from her joint pain and chronic back pain. The intensity of her pain has gone from 10+ to 4. She uses the wand to do spot treatments on the highest setting for her legs and lower back. She is totally committed to this treatment and will be purchasing her own mat shortly. For, now she visits "Mat" daily for her mat and wand treatments.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I discovered pulsed magnetic field therapy just a short time ago and am a firm believer this is truly one of the best natural home remedies of the future.
It's called energy medicine and is available to everyone for home use and wellness. This is the new alternative to using natural energy rather than chemistry to assist the body in healing itself.
Of all the natural home remedies on the market, this is the one we never knew we needed.
Just to prove my point, If Dr. Oz says it is the future, I believe it.
After I watched this show, I began reading the book, "PEMF The Fifth Element of Health" by Bryant A. Meyers, foremost authority on PEMF. He has researched and tested this therapy for over twenty years.
His comments made quite an impression on me about the importance of using this therapy.
He states:
This therapy is a safe and effective treatment which assists the body to self heal when given the proper energy to sustain life. We are realigning our body with the pulsation of the Earth, 7.83 hertz, the vital energy we've been cut off from with the overuse of electronic devices in our modern culture.
As Bryant Meyers stated, he wants to shout from the roof top that, in his opinion, this is the very best investment you can make concerning your health.
I fully agree with him. I've tried all the natural home remedies out there. Some of them worked - some didn't. I can safely say this one has saved my health.
I wrote about the results I had using the PEMF therapy in my first natural alternative medicine post.
It's called energy medicine and is available to everyone for home use and wellness. This is the new alternative to using natural energy rather than chemistry to assist the body in healing itself.
Of all the natural home remedies on the market, this is the one we never knew we needed.
Just to prove my point, If Dr. Oz says it is the future, I believe it.
His comments made quite an impression on me about the importance of using this therapy.
He states:
"You can think of PEMF therapy as a 'whole body battery recharger.' By using a PEMF therapy mat just 2 times a day for 8 minutes you recharge your 100 trillion cells, improving ATP production, increasing oxygenation, enhancing circulation, promoting hydration, facilitating detoxification and gaining a better overall absorption of nutrients. It's like putting little 'tiny jumper cables' on all your cells and 'jump-starting' them back to health."He further states:
"I've seen pulsed magnetic therapy help so many people with so many different conditions. In fact, I can ALMOST guarantee it can help anyone to improve their quality of health.."At the time of this writing, PEMF devices are already FDA approved and are used to fuse broken bones, wound healing, pain and tissue swelling and to treat depression.
This therapy is a safe and effective treatment which assists the body to self heal when given the proper energy to sustain life. We are realigning our body with the pulsation of the Earth, 7.83 hertz, the vital energy we've been cut off from with the overuse of electronic devices in our modern culture.
As Bryant Meyers stated, he wants to shout from the roof top that, in his opinion, this is the very best investment you can make concerning your health.
I fully agree with him. I've tried all the natural home remedies out there. Some of them worked - some didn't. I can safely say this one has saved my health.
I wrote about the results I had using the PEMF therapy in my first natural alternative medicine post.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Who among us hasn't experienced the agony of back pain and looked for help?
I remember once when my lower back "went out" and I had to use a cane to move. After several trips to the chiropractor for help, I was almost back to normal. I was thirty at the time. That's way too young for that kind of excruciating pain.
I remember once when my lower back "went out" and I had to use a cane to move. After several trips to the chiropractor for help, I was almost back to normal. I was thirty at the time. That's way too young for that kind of excruciating pain.
As the years went by, I found myself on the floor hoping the pain would pass if I could give my back some time off to realign itself. Eventually it did, but I received alot of stares from my fellow co-workers.
I happened to watch a show on Dr. Oz where he mentioned a new advance in energy medicine. My ears perked up and I listened closely to what he was saying. The above video changed my life.
This type of treatment, pulsed electronic magnetic therapy, sounded totally foreign to me, but if Dr. Oz says it, there must be something to it. I did my due diligence and researched everything I could find on the Internet.
Finally, I found someone who had used this type of treatment for his physical problems. He had suffered with irritable bowel syndrome for thirty years. His symptoms were relieved in two weeks. Huh? If it did that for his problem, maybe it would help me with my back.
I took the plunge and ordered the mat which I could rent for a month to see if it would really help me. I believed it to be pricey at the time, but I reasoned if it would help the quality of my life and relieve my back pain, the price wouldn't matter.
The mat came and I was able to read and understand the instructions without an interpreter. I proceeded to be "matted". Of course, now that I had the mat in my possession, my back pain temporarily stopped before I even used it. Figures - it's something like washing your car - THEN it rains. Same principal.
However, I had other ongoing other physical ailments. Here was an opportunity to see if this mat could help those problems. My main health concern was Hashimotos disease where my body attacks my thyroid and all my hormones are out of balance.
After three weeks using the mat in the morning, after work and before bed, I noticed I was starting to grow hair on my legs. I know that sounds odd, but I had not hair on my body for over twenty years due to the ongoing, undiagnosed Hashimotos. This told me, my body was beginning to balance itself with this therapy.
After three weeks using the mat in the morning, after work and before bed, I noticed I was starting to grow hair on my legs. I know that sounds odd, but I had not hair on my body for over twenty years due to the ongoing, undiagnosed Hashimotos. This told me, my body was beginning to balance itself with this therapy.
When I told my girlfriend what the mat was doing for me, she wanted to see if it would give her relief for her back and joints. I am happy to report she has a new best friend, called "Mat" and she visits me quite often to get reacquainted with "Mat".
When I asked her for a reading of her initial pain level before using "Mat", it was over ten. Ten being the top number. After her first treatment, her pain level went down to a four. I call that a miracle.
In my other post, Alternative Natural Treatment, you can see more information about how this changed my life, my friend's life and my dog. Yes, animals need this, too.
Oh, by the way, I have not had any more back pain.
When I asked her for a reading of her initial pain level before using "Mat", it was over ten. Ten being the top number. After her first treatment, her pain level went down to a four. I call that a miracle.
In my other post, Alternative Natural Treatment, you can see more information about how this changed my life, my friend's life and my dog. Yes, animals need this, too.
Oh, by the way, I have not had any more back pain.
You can find more information about this new Energy Medicine here. Give me a call. I am happy to share what I've learned and how you can finally find back pain help naturally without drugs.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
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The most advanced natural alternative medicine was developed over twenty years ago in Switzerland and is used extensively through out Europe today
This is a highly tested and refined system, certified as a medical device. It relies upon the very basic foundation of life - the health of your cells.
The magnetic field application assists the body to return to wellness naturally. This application is called intelligent magnetic resonance stimulation.
My latest research led me to the creation of a website called Iodine Resource . I believed I had an iodine deficiency caused by my thyroid and decided to share this information with everyone.
However beneficial this information was, it still didn't resolve my health issues.
I continued seeking natural alternatives.
Then, I found IMRS.
I read everything I could find on the internet and talked to a local distributor. Then, I decided to take the plunge and rent a unit for a month so I could see for myself.
This is a highly tested and refined system, certified as a medical device. It relies upon the very basic foundation of life - the health of your cells.
The magnetic field application assists the body to return to wellness naturally. This application is called intelligent magnetic resonance stimulation.
I've had health issues my entire life which were never properly diagnosed.My latest research led me to the creation of a website called Iodine Resource . I believed I had an iodine deficiency caused by my thyroid and decided to share this information with everyone.
However beneficial this information was, it still didn't resolve my health issues.
I continued seeking natural alternatives.
Then, I found IMRS.
I read everything I could find on the internet and talked to a local distributor. Then, I decided to take the plunge and rent a unit for a month so I could see for myself.
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Natural Alternative Medicine Mat |
This may sound strange to you, but I have not had any body hair for over twenty years. No hair on my legs, arms or under my arms. And, the outer one-third of my eye brows are non existent. I also do not sweat under my arms and have never used deodorant.
One day, I reached down to rub my leg and felt something strange. I rubbed again and then put my magnifying glasses on. There it was - stubble on my leg. "Its a miracle!" I shouted. I really didn't think it was possible. Then, I noticed a wetness under my arms - yuck. So, this is called sweating. I don't think I like this.
I decided to take a more mature look at these changes. My body was responding to the mat treatments I did in the morning before going to work, when I came home and right before I went to bed. I also used the wand attachment and applied the highest setting on my thyroid to help it heal.
My body was healing using natural alternative medicine.
I took a mental health survey to see if anything else had changed in my body. The perpetual indigestion and burping I always had diminished substantially. I no longer needed to take a glass of water with baking soda to stop my indigestion every night before going to bed. My mind seemed clearer and I wasn't lost in a perpetual fog. I almost felt light hearted. I think the last time I felt that was when I was 5 year old!
I eliminated alot of water for the first few days. The cells were releasing the fluid caused by the ongoing electricity being shot through the air and ground. I no longer felt "puffy". The dirty electricity makes you feel bloated.
I eliminated alot of water for the first few days. The cells were releasing the fluid caused by the ongoing electricity being shot through the air and ground. I no longer felt "puffy". The dirty electricity makes you feel bloated.
Things were definitely changing - for the better. The end result, I bought the mat along with another add on which is like a biofeedback that monitors your heart and autonomic system. It was explained to me that this is like a workout for your system. I know I need that and have it now incorporated into my daily sessions.
Of course, I couldn't keep my mouth shut about this, so I invited my dear friend to try the mat. She is a highly sensitive intuitive so I was able to receive her immediate response to the mat.
She is plagued by hypersensitivity to dirty electricity, Smart meters, and FIOS. Her joints are attacked, her muscles turn into huge knots in her back and she is racked with continuous pain. She uses the wand to soften up the muscle tissues and remove the knots.
After her first treatment, her pain level went from 10+ to less than 4. She reported to me the next day, she peed "like a race horse". I, in my total ignorance asked how much was that? Her reply, "alot.".
Her cells had been holding so much water from the electricity, that her feet shrunk. You could see the excess skin on the top of her foot. She lost a whole shoe size and had to buy new shoes.
Her cells had been holding so much water from the electricity, that her feet shrunk. You could see the excess skin on the top of her foot. She lost a whole shoe size and had to buy new shoes.
She noted that the electrical waves (EMF) dissolved from her body as she watched them fall. Remember, I TOLD you she is hypersensitive. You can read about her in the blog I created called "Abby's Paranormal World".
She continues to take treatment on the mat and uses the the wand daily to combat the ongoing onslaught against her health from dirty electricity.
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Natural Alternative Medicine Dog |
Here is Bella Joy enjoying her treatment on the IMRS mat. She is healing very quickly from a hernia operation that was done less than a week ago. I had to put her in the Thundershirt to keep her from running around. You would never know that a few days ago, she was in the operating room.
Animals naturally gravitate to the mat. They know it heals them. See this video for treatment of horses. Electromagnetic energy is the essential to ALL species.
Unfortunately, our animals today are suffering from the ever-increasing negative changes within our entire environment. They can not cope with toxic substances affecting the tidal air, the food quality and the high exposure to man-made frequencies (electrosmog). This creates tremendous negative influences on their organ systems.
These disruptors override the natural and pure information from the earth magnetic field. Animals become disoriented and suffer a variety of unspecific disorders and character change. This, in turn, finally leads to all kinds of disease patterns and ultimately, death before their time.
Abby lost her two beloved cats and dog in the span of six months. I lost my cat and dog in the span one year. They were slowly tortured to death.
Fortunately, for my Bella Joy, she will never have to face these tortures. She receives mat treatments when I take mine.
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