Saturday, August 2, 2014



OK, so you've tried the following to find chronic back pain relief:

  1. Over the counter medications
  2. Pain Medications prescribed by your physician
  3. Morphine patches
  4. Hot packs - cold packs
  5. Operation to fuse vertebrae
  6. Slant boards
  7. Chiropractic manipulations
  8. Yoga
  9. Massage
  10. Meditation
  11. Water therapy
  12. Traction therapy
  13. Hypnosis
  14. Total bed rest
  15. Nerve blocker injections
So how is it working for you?  Not so good?  

I know people who have tried all of these with no relief.  My father went through most of these treatments for chronic back pain relief.    They didn't work.  His life ended drugged with no quality of life.


I recently found some interesting statistics:
  1. Almost thirty percent of all Americans are in pain at any given time. 
  2.  $2.6 billion is spent annually on non-prescription pain killers.  
  3. $13.8 billion is spent annually on prescription pain killers. 
  4. $60 billion is lost annually due to lost productivity related to pain.  


There is hope - better than that - there is a safe and natural way to find relief from chronic back pain.  Watch this clip from Dr. Oz.


This may be the answer to your search and why you are reading this page.

I purchased an IMRS (impulse magnetic resonance stimulation system) several months ago for three  reasons:

  1. I am a dedicated follower of Dr. Oz and I respect what he recommends.
  2. I was hoping  I would find relief from my undiagnosed Hashimoto's Disease.  The body slowly destroys the thyroid which is the master regulator for all hormonal functions in the body.  When the body is out of balance hormonally, the ENTIRE body is affected  
  3. I was hoping to find relief for my dear friend who suffers terribly with chronic back pain and joint pain.    The pain  was a combination of injuries during her lifetime; deterioration of her joints from tuberculosis as a child; and, hypersensitivity to artificial man made electrical radiation.


Bryant A. Meyers, author of "PEMF  (Pulsed electromagnetic frequency), The Fifth Element of Health" states:
"The base cause of disease could be outlined simply as a physical and energetic disconnect from nature and the five essential elements (food;  water; air; exercise and sleep; and natural PEMF)."  

By using the pulsed electromagnetic fields generated in PEMF therapy, , the body's cells are nurtured back to health with the correct frequency.  This frequency was discovered by Otto Schumann resonating at 7.83 hertz..  

This is the exact frequency of the Earth.  Our brain, our creativity, our ability to perform under stress, cope with anxiety, and, the balance of the immune system are all tuned to the frequency of the Earth. 

He cited an experiment done in the early 1960's to study what the outcome would be if man were disconnected from the Earth's frequency.   Dr. Rurger Wever with the Max Planck Institute used young, healthy students to determine the effect of being shielded.  After a short time period, the student volunteers living in the  underground bunkers for several weeks reported mental and physical health challenges.   They developed  headaches, emotional problems, and suffered from stress and depression.  Their circadian rhythms were disrupted.   As soon as a magnetic generator was used set at 7.83 hertz, known as the Schumann frequency, the ill effects either totally disappeared or dramatically improved. 

Dr. Schumann concluded that everyone, man and animals, are dependent upon the Earth's electromagnetic field.  This has been in existence since the onset of life.  And, Life, has evolved around it.


I am happy to report that my Hashimoto's Disease has improved.  My body temperature is slowly increasing from a 96.8 to a steady 98.  I use the wand on my thyroid as well as three daily treatments with the mat - morning, after work and before bed.  I no longer have to wear a sweater and socks in the morning when I wake up to get warmed up.  I am starting to grow hair on my legs (something that hasn't happened in twenty years) which tells me my body is beginning to balance itself naturally.  That is a small miracle to me!

My friend is slowly recovering from her joint pain and chronic back pain.  The intensity of her pain has gone from 10+  to 4.  She uses the wand to do spot treatments on the highest setting for her legs and lower back.  She is totally committed to this treatment and will be purchasing her own mat shortly.  For, now she visits "Mat" daily for her mat and wand treatments.

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