Saturday, August 9, 2014



Chronic back pain management is now available through this revolutionary system which can be used in your home. 

I am assuming that you, like millions of others, suffer with chronic back, neck, or joint pain.  You are probably fed up with all  harmful  pills you are currently stuck on in order to barely survive.

If you or someone you know is frustrated by chronic back pain and sick of being over-medicated or just searching for a more natural alternative, I ask you to consider the following.

Dr. Oz shares this information with his audience and announced this is as the new age of alternative medicine.


The pulsed electromagnetic field therapy or PEMF is a hightech therapy  based on nature and proven to be safe and effective at eliminating pain.

This therapy not only assists with chronic back pain management, it promotes natural healing deep within the body for  joint pain, injuries, wounds, fractures, and depression.

Although this therapy may be considered one of the "best kept secrets" in the U.S., it is popular in Europe where it has been utilized for decades and is recognized as a "Certified Medical Device". There are currently over 1 million users/day worldwide!.


As more and more people experience the ability of the the IMRS System to promote healing and alleviate pain,  I predict its use will grow exponentially.

The PEMF therapy is used by applying a moving magnetic energy field in the biologically friendly frequencies of Mother Earth.   Just like we need air, water, sun, and gravity exposure to survive, we also REQUIRE the Earth's magnetic resonance.  This is called the Schumann resonance which is 7.83 hertz.  The human body is an exquisite electrical system. When, the correct frequency is applied, the body is able to heal itself on a cellular level naturally.  


A local chiropractor, whom I was introduced to, uses this therapy for his patients and states that it is extremely  gratifying for him to see amazing results with his patients using a natural and safe treatment with no contraindications.  

Those individuals who are pregnant, have embedded electrical devices, or have been diagnosed with epilepsy should exercise caution when considering this type of treatment.

He told me he is a passionate advocate for this revolutionary approach for chronic back pain management.  

That means alot to me coming from a medical professional.


My best friend has suffered chronic back pain for years.  It has taken a huge toll on her quality of life.  I've seen her roll out of a chair onto the floor and force herself to stand up through sheer willpower.   She used a fake laugh to cover her pain.  It was heartbreaking to watch.

She has been using the mat now for two months.  She does daytime treatments morning, evening and before bed.  Initially, she reported her  pain level  before using the mat was a 10+ (10 being the highest pain level).  Now, her pain level is down to a tolerable level 4.  

She also uses the wand, a component of the system,  to do spot treatments using the highest setting for her legs and lower back.  She has achieved amazing results on her swollen ankles. She could visibly see the edema disappear.  Her feet shrunk so much, she had to buy a smaller size shoe. 

I anticipate that shortly her pain level will decrease even more as her body continues to heal naturally.  Slowly, she is again beginning to love life.   

As a matter of fact, we girls are going shopping this afternoon.  She can now walk distances without the excruciating back pain and we can find those illusive shopping bargains.


Chronic back pain management is possible.  

The IMRS System with pulsed electromagnetic therapy MAKES this possible.  

See for yourself.

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