Sunday, July 20, 2014



The most advanced natural alternative medicine was developed over twenty years ago in Switzerland and is used extensively through out Europe today

This is a highly tested and refined system,  certified as a medical device.  It relies upon the very basic foundation of life - the health of your cells.  

The magnetic field application assists the body to return to wellness naturally.  This application is called intelligent magnetic resonance stimulation.  


I've had health issues my entire life which were never properly diagnosed.  

My latest research led me to the creation of a website called  Iodine Resource .  I believed I had an iodine deficiency caused by my thyroid and decided to share this information with everyone. 

However beneficial this information was, it still didn't resolve my health issues.

I continued seeking natural alternatives.  

Then,  I found IMRS.  

I read everything I could find on the internet and talked to a local  distributor.   Then, I decided to take the plunge and rent a unit for a month so I could see for myself.

natural alternative medicine mat
Natural Alternative Medicine Mat


This may sound strange to you, but I have not had any body hair for over twenty years.  No hair on my legs, arms or under my arms.  And, the outer one-third of my eye brows are non existent.  I also do not sweat under my arms and have never used deodorant.

One day, I reached down to rub my leg and felt something strange.  I rubbed again and then put my magnifying glasses on.  There it was - stubble on my leg.   "Its a miracle!" I shouted.  I really didn't think it was possible.  Then, I noticed a wetness under my arms - yuck.  So, this is called sweating.  I don't think I like this.

I decided to take a more mature look at these changes.  My body was responding to the mat treatments I did in the morning before going to work, when I came home and right before I went to bed.  I  also used the wand attachment and applied the highest setting on my thyroid to help it heal.

My body was healing using natural alternative medicine.  

I took a mental health survey to see if anything else had changed in my body.  The perpetual indigestion and burping I always had diminished substantially.  I no longer needed to take a glass of water with baking soda to stop my indigestion every night before going to bed.  My mind seemed clearer and I wasn't lost in a perpetual fog.  I almost felt light hearted.  I think the last time I felt that was when I was 5 year old!  

I eliminated alot of water for the first few days.  The cells were releasing the fluid caused by the ongoing electricity being shot through the air and ground.   I no longer felt "puffy".  The dirty electricity makes you feel bloated.

Things were definitely changing - for the better.  The end result, I bought the mat along with another add on which is like a biofeedback that monitors your heart and autonomic system.  It was explained to me that this is like a workout for your system.   I know I need that and have it now incorporated into my daily sessions.


Of course, I couldn't keep my mouth shut about this, so I invited my dear friend to try the mat. She is a highly sensitive intuitive so I was able to receive her immediate response to the mat.

She is plagued by hypersensitivity to dirty electricity, Smart meters, and FIOS.  Her joints are attacked, her muscles turn into huge knots in her back and she is racked with continuous pain.  She uses the wand to soften up the muscle tissues and remove the knots.

After her first treatment, her pain level went from 10+ to less than 4.  She reported to me the next day, she peed "like a race horse".  I, in my total ignorance asked how much was that?  Her reply, "alot.". 

Her cells had been holding so much water from the electricity, that her feet shrunk.  You could see the excess skin on the top of her foot.  She lost a whole shoe size and had to buy new shoes.

She noted that the electrical waves (EMF) dissolved from her body as she watched them fall.   Remember, I TOLD you she is hypersensitive.  You can read about her in the blog I created called "Abby's Paranormal World".

She continues to take treatment on the mat and uses the the wand daily to combat the ongoing onslaught against her health from dirty electricity.

Natural Alternative Medicine Dog


Here is Bella Joy enjoying her treatment on the IMRS mat.  She is healing very quickly from a hernia operation that was done less than a week ago.  I had to put her in the Thundershirt to keep her from running around.  You would never know that a few days ago, she was in the operating room.  

Animals naturally gravitate to the mat.  They know it heals them.   See this video for treatment of horses.  Electromagnetic energy is the essential to ALL species. 

 Unfortunately, our animals today are suffering from the ever-increasing negative changes within our entire environment.  They can not  cope with  toxic substances affecting the tidal air, the food quality and the high exposure to man-made frequencies (electrosmog).  This  creates tremendous negative influences on their organ systems. 

These disruptors override the natural and pure information from the earth magnetic field. Animals become disoriented and suffer a variety of unspecific disorders and character change. This, in turn, finally leads to all kinds of disease patterns and ultimately, death before their time.

Abby lost her two beloved cats and dog in the span of six months.  I lost my cat and dog in the span one year.  They were slowly tortured to death.

Fortunately, for my Bella Joy, she will never have to face these tortures.  She receives mat treatments when I take mine.

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